Jrnl Entry No. 4.17.2010

I took my 3rd part of the CPA exam today. I do not feel at all confident that I passed. There was a simulation on there I totally blew because I had never seen the info in the material I studied. There was another little part I didn’t get to finish. Seems 75% of the shit I studied was not on the exam. I’m really going to be disappointed in myself if I do not pass the four parts in total and become a CPA. I’m planning on launching a new career, and with hard work and dedication, I plan on this being my spring board into wealth and a whole new life. And right now, at this moment, I’m feeling like my plan is not working in my favor. I really need this so that I may leave my job and demand a comfortable salary. Really, I just need to leave my current job. The place is really killing my spirit. I am so unhappy there and with the people I work with. I probably should leave even if I can only get the same salary. But with that I’m tired of not being able to live, to shop, to save enough money to buy an apartment.

I’m reading about people starting companies and running them and selling them for millions. I would like to start a company but I can’t save the money needed to give it a little jump start. My plan is to make more money being a CPA, use the extra money I make to start my own company of some sort. So if the CPA thing doesn’t work out, I don’t know what I’m going to do. I don’t want to leave my job and end up in the same place I’m in now; same money, no opportunity for advancement, my work going unnoticed and/or ignored, or critically scrutinized for the minutest of error. My life is not working out. It never has. I wanted to be a rapper; DIDN’T HAPPEN! I tried to be a producer; DIDN’T HAPPEN. I tried dabbling in music magazine writing; NO LIGHT THERE. Every little thing I’ve done to try and make my life a little brighter since college graduation and finding my 1st job and subsequently moving to New York; nothing after that has worked out to my satisfaction. I’m sick of thinking, trying and waiting for a better day. But you know, what else can I do? Everyone says, “at least you’re trying, moving forward”. Fuck that, It’s time for the next phase of my life: beautiful wife, beautiful house, beautiful car, beautiful career. IT’S TIME, IT’S TIME, IT’S FUCKING TIME!

I had a job interview with Equinox Gyms. A senior accountant position. Hopefully I can get about 12K to 15K raise out of the deal. I’ve really been mulling over this Accounting and Financial services firm. I know a guy, who says he has his series 7 license. I know another guy who graduated from Penn State Wharton Business school; another guy, my frat brother who graduated with his MBA from some school in Chicago. I’m soon to obtain my CPA. Now with 4 African Americans; 1 with his trading and securities license, 2 with their MBA and 1 with his CPA; if we can’t come together and start a successful, growing and prosperous corporation, NIGGERS ARE TRULY STUPID and meant to be slaves to white men for all eternity. I truly believe that. My plan is to take these guys and monopolize the Black Wealth Market entirely. I’m talking about Black Men Controlling ALL BLACK AMERICAN WEALTH. Individuals with net worth of $1 Million of more, that net worth will be controlled and maintained by us. And have every Black Accountant and trader and lawyer clamoring to work for us. It’s time Black people come together on our own terms and make something happen For Us By Us, NO BULLSHITTING! I’m tired of seeing these rich, just white men running everything, obtaining all the wealth.

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